Middle button click shortcat code
Middle button click shortcat code

middle button click shortcat code

"Microsoft Trackball Explorer®" "/dev/input/event1" none key/276 "fill this in!" "Microsoft Trackball Explorer®" "/dev/input/event1" none key/275 "fill this in!" Now press the buttons that you wish to change: $ evrouter -dump /dev/input/event* device 0: /dev/input/event0: AT Translated Set 2 keyboardĭevice 1: /dev/input/event1: Microsoft Microsoft Trackball Explorer®ĭevice 2: /dev/input/event2: Sleep Buttonĭevice 3: /dev/input/event3: Power Buttonĭevice 4: /dev/input/event4: Power Button Tip: For USB devices udev will usually create symbolic links in /dev/input/by-id/ which can be used to refer to specific devices. This is an example for a keybinding for Meta+M:

middle button click shortcat code

"xvkbd -no-jump-pointer -text "\D1$(xsel)" 2>/dev/null" Here is an example for xbindkeys to enable x selection paste(third click pasting), you need both xsel and xvkbd installed, What it does it executes that command whenever button 13 of the mouse is pressed (in ~/.xbindkeysrc) : Do not forget to type capital letters in xvkbd -text usage and to escape opening bracket with \ or you get simply written. If you want to check your mouse buttons number use xev.


The problem we will encounter is that we do not know how to emulate a key press. Let us say we want to bind some mouse buttons to keyboard ones. Reason: Duplicates xbindkeys, assumes xvkbd instead of linking Xorg#Automation. This section covers details of using various tools to rearrange mouse and keyboard functions.īinding mouse buttons to keyboard functions xte You can use xev to confirm your mouse button numbers and to confirm that X is being notified of mouse clicks. This corresponds to a left mouse click and release followed by a thumb-tip click and release. for an Logitech MX Master 3 the scroll wheel is 4 & 5, thumb wheel is 6 & 7, the thumb-tip button is 9, and the inner-thumb button is 8). For most mice, this will be '1' for left button, '2' for middle, '3' for right. Since you are filtering for lines which contain "button" it will show mouse click and release events with their relevant button numbers. A window will pop up by runningĪny xevents (like moving, resizing, or clicking in) that window will then be reported to the console you launched xev from. X events can be displayed by the xev utility. You will first want to check what X sees from your mouse.

middle button click shortcat code

This page assumes you are using Xorg ( X Window System) and not Wayland. This article describes how to configure a mouse with more than 3 buttons.

Middle button click shortcat code